Category: News Article


The ‘CrÃĻme’ de la CrÃĻme of Salons Opens in Milwaukee Junction

CrÃĻme BrÃŧlÃĐe Salon Owner Katrina Wilson, foreground, celebrates her grand opening flanked by family, friends, supporters, and city leaders on Thursday, July 8 in Milwaukee Junction Neighborhood at her business.

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City of Detroit applauds new affordable housing development project in Milwaukee Junction

DETROIT (WXYZ) — A new affordable housing development project in Detroit’s Milwaukee Junction neighborhood is now open.

The 22,845-square-foot, four-story development at 258 E. Milwaukee St. cost about $8 million to build. So far, the city says 12residents have moved in since the building opened recently.

The city cites the project as a “vital component” of the neighborhood revitalization work being implemented in Detroit’s New Center neighborhood. Additionally, the city says it serves as a beacon of mixed income housing in an area of the city that is seeing increasing rents and demand.

The Milwaukee Junction Apartments offer 25 units of housing with 20 of them offered at affordable rates, ranging from 40 percent to 80 percent area median income.)

“This is truly a mixed-income development, one that is representative of the community as a whole,” said Julie Schneider, director of the Housing, Planning and Development Department, in a press release. “It is so important that we create developments and neighborhoods with Detroiters of all walks of life together instead of sectioning off people based on their income. It also creates affordable housing opportunities in an area experiencing rising rents. A successful city is an inclusive city, and this is why it is one of our key missions as a department.”

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